Posts tagged Awareness
237 Books About Down Syndrome You Should Definitely Add to Your Library

A common question among parents in the Down syndrome community is, “What are some books including kids with Down syndrome?” Regardless of what online support group you’re in, there’s always a post naming off several books that promote inclusion and the disability community but those lists never quite capture the vast collection that actually exists. Nelly Pujalt, mother to two year old Ariel, took several days and put together an entire document containing the name of every book she could find. It’s “a collection of books relating to Down syndrome for children, parents and professionals for a variety of subjects such as behavior, sexuality, dating, education, memoirs, resources and children’s books.” We’ve posted the entire list here for your reference. - Lindsay Robertson

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When Doctor's Said No, The Bythewood's Said Yes

Abortion is a common go-to for those in the medical field. Within the Down syndrome community, many parents hear it suggested one time too many. "Your baby has a 90% chance of having Down syndrome. We recommend abortion.” “There are several Down syndrome markers present. We recommend having an abortion.” “Down syndrome means an unhealthy and difficult life. We recommend abortion.” This is a huge concern for those in the disability community and an issue many are trying to correct by educating medical professionals and the general public.

Instead of taking the doctor’s advice when the Bythwood’s were told there was nothing they could do for their baby, they went a different route. They decided to lean on hope and turn to their religion.

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Tips For Including Kids with Down syndrome

Having your student with Down syndrome included in the general education classroom with proper supports can often seem like a pipe dream. Just look at the statistics: only 16% of our loved ones with intellectual disabilities (ID) are included in general education classrooms most of their school day.

But the research and federal law back up full inclusion with support, so how do we get there? Well, I was lucky enough to find inclusion expert, Nicole Eredics from The Inclusive Class. This amazing inclusion teacher has created a huge database of resources to support full inclusion for even students with Down syndrome. You can also buy her book (shown below) with over 40 modifications for students with the most significant needs.

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10 Blogs We Think You Should Also Follow

When it comes to special needs and Down syndrome, there are literally hundreds of blogs you can follow; From funny, heartfelt and inspirational to educational and knowledge-based. We know how hard it is to find blogs that really pull you in, make you feel a part of the family and leave you waiting anxiously for the next post. We also know that sometimes it’s impossible to find a blog that gives up-to-date information on current happenings or opinions on books and helpful materials. So we decided to make it a little easier for you.

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15 Reasons Why You Need To Watch The Peanut Butter Falcon Right Now

If you haven’t yet seen the movie, you’re missing out. Big time. But don’t just take my word for it. Instead, I turned to the Down syndrome community and asked them to give me one good reason why the public (you if you’re one of the few who has yet to see it) needs to watch The Peanut Butter Falcon. This is what they had to say:

  1. This movie shows what a relationship should be like between an individual with Down syndrome and a typical person. People with Down syndrome want to be treated like everyone else. This type of relationship was beautifully displayed in The Peanut Butter Falcon! - Lauren D.

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Post-Modern Slavery: Fetal Chromosomal Slavery

The slavery system, today and in its latest advancement, has considered fetuses (future humans) that have an extra chromosome as abnormal and low-rank fetuses (future humans), regarded them worthless, and attempted to commit genocide!

Do you know anything about this genocide? Nowadays, many fetuses, who have an extra chromosome, are killed alive in the mothers’ uteri lest a person with Down syndrome may not be born. This is while research has shown that fetuses having Down syndrome, like all other fetuses, are very likely to feel pain after the 20th week of their fetal lives.

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New Year, New Goals

We have been restructuring our organization, as well as our website, and so we apologize for our delayed absence. Save Down Syndrome’s blog posts will continue to be posted every Monday and we hope that you’ll continue to follow along.

We are so thrilled to share with you all of our accomplishments from 2019 made possible by our fellow advocates and to share our goals for this new year!

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Why People First Language Is So Important

What is “People First Language” and what does it mean? People First Language refers to the individual first instead of their diagnosis. For instance, you would say, “Charlie has Down syndrome,” NOT “The Down syndrome kid, Charlie.” People First Language eliminates stereotypes, generalizations and assumptions about individuals, instead making the conversation about that person versus making it about their diagnosis. All people with Down syndrome are not alike, just like all people who have Autism are not alike. They each have their own personalities and characteristics making them, you guessed it, an individual.

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When Being "You" is a Form of Activism

You know what’s ice cold these days? The newest trend since goths vs. jocks? Being yourself! The art of self-promotion is palpable; just look on social media. Everyone is selling a version of themselves; the more unique, the more dope. Many people with disabilities also develop and embrace an innate sense of self. My son and many kids and adults I’ve met with an extra chromosome love who they are. They truly are dope! The problem is they’re often not allowed to be themselves and still fit in. The trend doesn’t extend to them.

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Dear Doctor

When we had Alice, all of the doctors in the hospital were incredibly negative with us. They told us that she had Down syndrome in a very depressing way. They did not congratulate us. They told us they were sorry. They acted like it was the end of the world for us. I would have given anything in that moment for one sliver of hope... but the doctors didn't give it.

As I've met and talked to so many other moms of kids with Down syndrome, I realize that 99% of them had the same experience. This is wrong, and it needs to stop.

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Everyone Has A Voice

"This is a common misconception about all kids with disabilities, that they can’t or won’t learn, especially if they are non-verbal. When the most amazing teacher came in to the FLS class last year, she saw these kids as who they really were, and within one year of this new teacher, every single kid in the class grew leaps and bounds. Julia, who also has Down syndrome and had never been able to communicate now was pointing to “yes” and “no” cards, and making decisions for herself. That gave her so much confidence that she soon became the sassiest teenager I’ve ever met, sneaking out of the room when no one was looking and licking folders when she didn’t want to do her class job. But the biggest change was in Josue.”

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